Infographics are illustrations with condensed, explanatory text on it. The one below about the development of the teenage brain is hand drawn (digital).
The infographic below about what happens to the body after long time in space / microgravity is also hand drawn in Krita. Here, the text is also hand made.
The infographic about teenage sleep is made as a combination of hand-drawing, vector graphics (the number 9) and text.
The infographic below about the proportion of the different age groups of the Danish population is all made in 3D (Blender).
Infographics can also be made as GIF-images, like the one below. It shows the global greenhous gas emissions by economic sector (percentage). All made in 3D (Blender).
The example here shows the global warming in the period 1880 to 2020, shown as how much the average, yearly temperature differs from the average for the whole period. This example is also made in an animated version (watch in animations).