
Illustrations about psychiatry

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I have a part-time job in a department in Region Hovedstaden (Capital Region of Copenhagen), where I make help to develop e-learning, make illustrations and animations for education and publications and edit the department webpage. It is a partially research, partially out-patient department.  See more on the webpage for “Enhed for kompliceret skizofreni og Oligofreni” […]

New illustrations

Lise Meitner, Oppenheimer and the Matilda-effect

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Why is Lise Meitner ‘forgotten’ in the Oppenheimer film? The Matilda-effect in 2023 Article and illustration by Ann-Louise Bergström ( The makers behind this summer’s blockbuster film, “Oppenheimer“, have forgotten – or omitted on purpose – the person, who calculated and formulated the theory behind the atomic fission process (which is the scientific basis for […]

New illustrations

AI generated images with Midjourney

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I have recently been on a course in Infographics on the Danish School for Journalism (Danmarks Medie- og Journalisthøjskole) where I learned a lot about infographics, data visualization and animation. I also got to play a bit with AI-generated images. It was very interesting, but also sometimes created some funny or nonsens-like results. I often […]

New illustrations

The discovery of monkey pox – by Preben von Magnus

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The virus infection monkey pox (abe-kopper in Danish), which has appeared in several, European countries during the last weeks, was first identified, described and named in 1958 by the Danish medical doctor Preben von Magnus (1912-1973). Preben von Magnus worked as a researcher at ’Statens seruminstitut’ in Copenhagen. At that time, cynomolgus monkeys (a type […]


Visit to European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund, Sweden

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Previous Next Together with the association for Danish Science Journalists (Danske videnskabsjournalister), I went to visit the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund in Sweden on May 10th, 2022. It was super-interesting! ESS is a huge research facility under construction. When finished in a couple of years from now, it will be the world’s largest […]

New animations

The Glymphatic System

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WHY DO WE NEED TO SLEEP? There are many good answers to this question, but one of them is – we need brain wash! This is taken care of by the GLYMPHATIC system, an amazing system that – during sleep (especially deep sleep) – helps the brain to get rid of cellular waste, that could […]

New animations

Pulmonar alveoli animation

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I am currently working on an animation about air pollution for Aarhus University. In that project, I have modelled the alveoli, which is the place for exchange of gases (oxygen, carbondioxide) between the exterior and the blood. Unoxygenized blood arrives from the heart, pass by the capillary network surrounding the alvoli sacs (the wall of […]


My animation about EEG was used in research paper

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I have produced an animated film for a research team at Lundbeck. It describes the methodology of EEG (electroencephalography) in rodents, used to study the effects of neuropharmacological compounds. The research was published in a research paper in Frontiers in psychiatry by Christien Bowman and Kjartan Herrik, where my animation (in three parts) can be […]


Use of my animation about ground water pollution

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Last year, I made an animation about ground water pollution and its impact on human health – for Torben Sigsgaard at Aarhus University. Read his tweet about it here: — Torben Sigsgaard (@TorbenSigsgaard) January 12, 2022 The animation can also be found here: