Animation gallery

Here is a selection of some of the animations, I have made the last 5 years, sorted in subgroups. Click on images to start playing animations. Read more about cases and customers.

Animations about neuroscience

Animations about COVID-19

These animations describe the biology and technology related to the disease COVID-19 as well as testing and vaccination technology.

Animation about DNA-array

These animations (one in english and one in danish) show the technology behind DNA microarray. It can also be seen on Wikipedia in an article about DNA-array (

Animation about Enzymes

I have produced the 3D-animated parts of this film, made by the Danish company Novozymes about what enzymes are and how they can be used. The film is featured on Novozymes’ Youtube-channel.

Animations about Nobel Prizes

The animations below describes the biology (or technology) behind some recent Nobel prizes in either medicine/physiology and/or chemistry. Find more information on the official website of the Nobel prizes,

Animations about diseases

The animations below all show mechanisms of diseases. The one about Malaria was made for an organization called AI Scope, who develops simple AI technology for diagnosis of malara ‘on the go’.

Animations about nature, ecology and climate changes

These animations all show different ascpects about ecological systems, climate changes and human impact on that. The drinking water animation was made for the University of Aarhus.

Animations about mechanisms

3D animations can be very helpful in showing mechanism of actions of e.g. different molecules or medicines. These are examples of that.

Animations about immunology

Immunology is a very complex, biological subject. It involves many players (different cells, molecules and physical changes). Here are two examples from the Australian organization named Australian and New Zealand Society for Immunology about some basic concepts in immunology  (the videos are not embedded here, but clicking on the videos takes you to Vimeo, where they can be seen). The videos can also be found on ASIs homepage.

Below is also an MoA animation about immunotherapy, made for the biotech company MonTa Biosciences.

Play Video
Play Video

Animations about antibiotic resistance

This series of three animations shows the discovery, mechanism and consequences of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance.

Animations about Moving Science

And, at last, these animations are made as appetizers / show-reels about Moving Science and the services offered.